Bridging Worlds:

Clarity, Comfort, Guidance from your Loved Ones in Spirit.

Hi. I’m Angeline.

I’m a psychic medium like Tyler Henry, James Van Praagh, and the Long Island Medium. As a medium, I bridge the gap between those who have passed and those left behind.

I help career professionals overcome loss so they can move on with clarity, comfort, and guidance from their loved ones in Spirit.

My style is bubbly Tyler Henry with a PhD.

I hold two terminal degrees and I’ve taught university courses, performed, published, conducted fieldwork, and presented dance and cultural research in 4 continents, across 3 languages. I’m also a U.S. Fulbright Scholar.

I’ve been a counseling psychic medium for over 20 years. I’m also a healer, coach, and spiritual advisor who sees your unlimited potential!

I have a unique gift—I make mediumship risk-free because I take requests to bring you the specific person you’d like to hear from!

Clarity is ONE click away!


What’s possible for you:

  • Move on with your loved one’s guidance.

  • Overcome self-doubt so you can make decisions easily.

  • Discover your unlimited potential to live a more Soulful life.

  • Understand that we live forever.

  • Become a medium so you can heal others.

Clarity is ONE click away.

🪷 Highlights

from a mediumship reading

What NO OTHER MEDIUM can offer you:

  • Optimized Keepsake Recordings—a timeless, shareable resource. (Digital Download).

  • Custom Requests to hear from the specific person you need to connect with (Angeline’s rare skill).

  • Unlimited sessions when you choose a monthly package.

Clarity is ONE click away.

Work with


Private Readings

(Individual & Group)

Find clarity and connection in mediumship session with Angeline.

Life Coaching

Discover your unlimited potential to create the life you truly desire and overcome blocks to experience success. We’ll break it into baby steps—with Angeline’s support, your potential is unlimited!


Customized packages for your budget. Choose private readings, healings, coaching, or hybrid bundles!


Let’s talk! We’ll find the BEST approach to support and heal, so you can walk your Highest Path of Light!

Installment plans available.


Telephone: (520) 789-6248


T-F 11am-6pm Pacific

Closed: Mon, Sat, & Sun

Port Townsend, Washington, USA

Session via:

  • phone

  • zoom

  • outdoors (May-Sept)

  • home visits