3 Ways to Grieve with Grace this Winter
Grief is here to stay. Forever. You can’t “get rid” of it. You tell it to “go away.”
So make friends with your Grief because it’s here to teach you about love.
How do I know?
Because mediums are Light Workers, channeling the joy of Spirit Communication. We are the bridge between here and There. In truth, there are no “bad” feelings or “good” feelings because feeling are…feelings!
Grief is like Joy. Grief is like Bliss.
Here are 3 Ways to live with grief in grace this season.

New Moon Predictions and Relationship Advice
The New Moon in Libra sheds light on relationships. Equality. Fairness. Mutual Pleasure. Any relationship that requires fairness. This includes relations with lovers, friends, supervisors, and yes—adversaries.
These themes will be highlighted for the next 14 days as we move into the Full Moon in Aries.
How can you make this New Moon in Libra work for you?
It’ll help to remember that relationships can bring struggle, but they can also bring joy and growth. Be sure to tell your partner what you need and consider their feelings as well.
Since Libra can represent fairness in relationships, take time this moon cycle to consider how you can contribute to the pleasure and balance in your relationship.
Does this mean that you cave to everything your partner wants?
No, but there is a middle ground and that’s what you’re looking for these next 14 days as we head into the Full Moon in Aries!
We’re always generating experiences for our future selves and that starts with our present choices! Choose to be fair and don’t forget to be fair with yourself! Your needs are important, too.
Need a relationship psychic card reading? Choose what to pay here for psychic insight so you can have clarity, comfort, and guidance.

5 Ways to Cleanse a Room of Dark Entities and…Do They Exist?
Dark entities haunting you? Here are 5 ways to cleanse your space so you can live free and unfettered!
For centuries, people from all cultures have reported seeing, feeling, and sensing dark entities or “ghosts.” Shamans, Light Workers, and medicine men and women have performed rituals in order to purify one’s body and space.
In essence, any darkness or “dark entities” that we experience on Earth are the cause and product of our own negative thinking. Do ghosts exist? Sure, why not? If you can think it, then you can create it. The mind is an infinitely creative generator of images. All that you experience is essentially, a figment of your imagination.
Your mind and your body are powerful beyond your current knowing. You attract all energy through your thoughts. So change your thoughts and change your experience.
The miracle of cleansing is yours in 5 easy steps!

How to Find a Psychic Medium You Can Trust: 8 Top Secret Tips!
Finding a psychic medium you trust can be a daunting task but it doesn't have to be! Learn 5 things to look for...
I know how hard it is to find a medium you can trust with your sacred communion with your loved ones who have passed.
If it’s your first time looking for a medium or if you’ve been disappointed before and you’re looking for someone who can legitimately deliver the healing spiritual service you’re seeking, then keep reading for the top 5 tips for finding a trustworthy medium!

3 Ways Your Departed Loved Ones Communicate with You From Heaven
Do your lights flicker? Does your phone ring at random times? Can you feel your loved one on your cheek, but look and no one is there?
These are ALL signs that your beloved is reaching out to say, “Hello!”

Full Moon Predictions
What’s “Moon in Leo” mean?
Leo rules this Wolf Moon, so you’ll feel passionate about family affairs and sorting matters of the heart—love, revelry, courage, creativity, making your mark through demonstrative expression and getting shine for it.

The Dawn of a New Cycle
🕊️ An extended message from my Spirit Guides:
“The dawn of a new mind is here. You’re experiencing a revolutionary change in consciousness. This message vibrates at the resonance of your Soul and your deepest longing to connect with Home.

How to Spiritually Recover From a Difficult Childhood: Advice from the Spirit Realm
How to Spiritually Recover from a Difficult Childhood: Advice from Spirit

Mediumship Wisdom with Angeline Young
Mediumship Wisdom with Angeline Young. PhD; AngelineYoung.com, Medium & Teacher

Monday Mediumship 101 with Angeline…
Monday Mediumship 101 — with Angeline, Medium & Teacher; AngelineYoung.com

Healing Grief with Flower Essences
Can flowers heal your grief?
Edward Bach was a physician based in England. He created a well-regarded remedy for healing people through the use of “flower essences.” The underlying theory is that flowers contain a spiritual power that is connected to the Universal Energy Source. This spiritual energy in the flower can balance specific conditions in the auric field of the patient, to bring their vibration back into balance. Sounds kooky, right? I thought so too until I tried them and they actually worked for me.
Flower essences can help with moving on from loss of a loved one. I use them daily myself and of course, have used them to help with my own grieving process. The one that I suggest for grief healing is Star of Bethlelem. I also keep this one on my bedside: Rescue Remedy. It’s the only combination mix that Bach created and it’s safe for children and animals. (For kids, I recommend rubbing it on the bottom of their feet or adding 1 drop to bathwater). I find Rescue Remedy helpful for acute instances of stress. You might find it helpful for a variety of situations (doctor’s visits, receiving bad news, after an argument, or sudden feelings of anxiety or panic).

Why is Spirit Stronger Right After Passing?
In this blog post, I answer a listener's question:
Why is Spirit stronger right after passing?
Why is it that loved ones come through more forcefully right after they transition to the other side?

5 Reasons Why Your Departed Loved One Hasn’t Visited in a Dream…
5 Reasons Why Your Departed Loved One Hasn’t Visited in a Dream…

How to build a stronger connection with your loved-ones-in-Spirit
#Spirit moves me today to offer the first in a 4-part series. For the entire month of January, I will be posting exercises here to help you build a stronger connection with your loved-ones-in-Spirit. The one that I am sharing below is a practice that exists in many cultures and I find, a very practical one!