Full Moon Predictions
Angeline Young Angeline Young

Full Moon Predictions

What’s “Moon in Leo” mean?

Leo rules this Wolf Moon, so you’ll feel passionate about family affairs and sorting matters of the heart—love, revelry, courage, creativity, making your mark through demonstrative expression and getting shine for it.

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The Dawn of a New Cycle
Angeline Young Angeline Young

The Dawn of a New Cycle

🕊️ An extended message from my Spirit Guides:

“The dawn of a new mind is here. You’re experiencing a revolutionary change in consciousness. This message vibrates at the resonance of your Soul and your deepest longing to connect with Home.

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Why is Spirit Stronger Right After Passing?
Angeline Young Angeline Young

Why is Spirit Stronger Right After Passing?

In this blog post, I answer a listener's question:

  • Why is Spirit stronger right after passing?

  • Why is it that loved ones come through more forcefully right after they transition to the other side?

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How to build a stronger connection with your loved-ones-in-Spirit
Angeline Young Angeline Young

How to build a stronger connection with your loved-ones-in-Spirit

#Spirit moves me today to offer the first in a 4-part series. For the entire month of January, I will be posting exercises here to help you build a stronger connection with your loved-ones-in-Spirit. The one that I am sharing below is a practice that exists in many cultures and I find, a very practical one!

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