Trance Healing

FEEL your loved one with you. Receive their messages of love through your body as a vessel for Spiritual communication.

This service is for those who are ready to recieve your loved one’s presence in your body. *Requires an initial mediumship reading with Angeline.

What’s possible for you:

  • Healing relief, so you can move on.

  • Physically FEEL your loved one within your heart, body, and Soul.

  • HEAR their guidance so you can have clarity to move forward.

  • BONUS:

    • Custom Request so you can spend time with your specific loved one (Angeline’s rare gift).

  • Deep trance is an altered state required to commune with your lost loved ones because Spirit vibrates at a higher speed than humans.

  • Angeline creates sacred space for Spirit to blend with you, so you can…

  • FEEL, sense, and hear your loved one with you!

  • Receive their presence and blend with their Soul.

  • People often say the healing effects last 24-48 hours after the session.

Why Trance?


  • Angeline will guide you into a deep relaxed state to commune with your loved one in Spirit.

    This session is a remote session via phone. You'll join from the comfort of your own home and lie comfortably on a couch or in your bed.

  • The sessions lasts 50 minutes. The healing effects can last 24-48 hours beyond the session.

  • During the session you may hear, feel, and sense your loved one within your body. You'll experience a deep reunion with them and receive their healing love, light, and power.

  • Most people say they feel a close connection with their loved one for 24-48 hours after the session.

    Many people say they receive messages like butterflies and a feel lighter and "less alone." Everyone says they feel a healing connection with their loved one.

  • Absolutely! We welcome Kindred Spirits back for single sessions or a package.

    For a one-time Trance Healing, click HERE.

    For a package to save 30%, click HERE.