Astrology Life Path Reading
Move forward with clarity and guidance.
An in-depth astrological chart reading. We’ll meet on Zoom to discuss your gifts, talents, and you’ll receive spiritual guidance on your next step.
What’s possible for you:
Get guidance on your Life Path, so you can move forward with clarity.
Feel empowered, so that you can make decisions easily, with confidence.
Tap into your unlimited potential, so that you can create a better future.
Easily manifest more joy and calm in your life right now.
What’s included:
Keepsake Chart—a visual resource you can refer to again and again (downloadable PDF)
Keepsake Recording—an audio resource you can listen to again and again when you need guidance (downloadable link).
Personalized chart reading, based on your birth time and birth location (via Zoom).
Ask unlimited questions so you can have clarity, comfort, and guidance on your next step.
Why Life Path Reading?
Understand your spiritual path so you move forward with clarity.
Feel empowered, so that you can make decisions easily.
Tap into your unlimited potential, so that you can create a better future.
We'll look at your astrological chart to illuminate your gifts, talents, and potential for creating a better life.
We'll discuss how you've gotten here, what you've succeeded, and workshop how to remove any blocks, so that you can move forward.
This is a Zoom and lasts about 50+ minutes.
Angeline will show you your astrology chart.
She'll offer some monologue and then ask you supportive questions to better understand how you experience the energies in your chart. Then she'll talk some more and ask you about your experience.
We'll have time for questions regarding specific areas of your life.
The session occurs via Zoom.
If you prefer, we could also do a phone call.