3 Ways to Grieve with Grace this Winter
Grief is here to stay. Forever. You can’t “get rid” of it. You can’t tell it to “go away.” (Well, you can, but it’ll come back because changing feelings are a part of the beauty of this life.)
So make friends with your Grief because it’s here to teach you about love.
How do I know?
Because mediums are Light Workers who channel the joy of Spirit Communication. We are the bridge between here and There. In truth, there are no “bad” feelings or “good” feelings because feeling are…feelings!
Grief is like joy, bliss, frustration, happiness, sadness, success, laughter, and so on. Why only experience some when you can have it all? You are rich with life experience and grief is a part of this walk through life.
Here are 3 Ways to live with grief in grace this season.
Be in Nature
Nature is healing. Walk in the woods. Smell the trees. Listen to the birds. Grief will walk with you and your loved one with be there, too. Let nature heal you.
2. Give to Your Community
When you feel the doom and gloom coming on, it might be beneficial for you to seek a group. Volunteering at the neighborhood soup kitchen or food bank are heart-centered ways to invite grief and joy into your life. You’ll feel less alone and no one will be looking at you because they will all be focusing on the task at hand—to help others.
3. Work with Animals
Do you have a loving pet? Could that pet offer love to someone else who is grieving? Maybe there’s an animal shelter nearby that needs you. Animals love unconditionally. Consider being with animals or offering your services to those who might need you.
How do you grieve? What’s helped you? I’d love hear about it!
Hi. I’m Angeline.
I’m a psychic medium like Tyler Henry, James Van Praagh, and the Long Island Medium. As a medium, I bridge the gap between those who have passed and those left behind. You can reach me at Angeline@AngelineYoung.com or click here.