3 Ways Your Departed Loved Ones Communicate with You From Heaven

Do your lights flicker? Does your phone ring at random times? Can you feel your loved one on your cheek, but look and no one is there?

These are ALL signs that your beloved is reaching out to say, “Hello!”

In this article, you’ll learn 3 things your loved one does to send you signs from heaven. If you’d like to hear from them in a mediumship reading, reach out HERE for an appointment to receive immediate comfort, clarity, and guidance from them directly!

  1. Flickering Lights

Your loved ones in spirit LOVE to play with lights!

Why? Because when we leave our bodies to cross to the Other Side, we become pure energy. How do lights work? Energy! Lights function with energy called, “electricity.” Electricity is a common “toy” that your loved ones like to play with and they’ll send signals whenever and however they can!

Here are examples that have come up in mediumship readings:

  • your refrigerator door opens and beeps in the middle of the night.

  • your youtube music playlist gets stuck on one particular song that’s meaningful to you and them.

  • the street lamp flickers when you ask for a sign form heaven.

  • your television comes on by itself.

  • your phone rings at a particular time.

2. Birds

In many cultures, birds are considered sacred creatures who soar high above and connect with the upper realms. Your loved ones can send birds to you as a sign that they’re watching over you.

How will you know it’s them?

You’ll get a special feeling (call it “intuition”) and you’ll just know.

Don’t dismiss the feeling! It’s so subtle that you might ignore it! Your loved ones are always trying to send you signs that they are with you. Nature is powerful and Spirit can use nature to connect with you.

Here are some examples that deceased loved ones have mentioned in mediumship readings:

  • You see a sunset and feel them “close” to you.

  • You see a flower and know they are sending a sign to you because it’s their favorite color.

  • You pass a pet shop window and see a dog “speaking” to you and you know your loved one is sending you a message (YES, this actually happened).

3. Dreams

Your loved ones can visit in dreams. Yes! You can spend time with them in a dream. How will you know it’s a real visitation? The dream will “feel” extra vivid or extra tactile. You’ll feel like they are RIGHT THERE with you. The colors will usually be much more saturated or vibrant. You’ll wake up feeling like you were just visiting with them.

Sometimes they can also show up as an “energy.” They don’t always come as themselves. They can come in many different forms. Here are examples that have come up in mediumship readings and have been confirmed by the person seeking the reading:

  • A mountain covered in snow—the dreamer said it felt “solid” and “supportive” and he knew it was his father in spirit.

  • A black leopard leaping from a ledge to the ground — the dream said she knew it was her grandmother with a message of caution.

  • A running river — the dreamer was informed of an impending passing of a family member.

Loved ones will come in dreams to watch over you, to offer guidance, and emotional support. If you’d like to decode your dreams, reach out here for help. You can also ask about a mediumship reading within your budget—it’s called “Teatime”! Make an offer and I’ll respond with a service offer that works for you! I’m excited to connect with you!

What signs have you received from heaven! Do share!


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