Full Moon Predictions
Individual v. Collective
Full v. Empty
Heart v. Ego
It’s a “Wolf Moon” and…
it’s this Thursday, Jan 25th!
Squaring Jupiter in Taurus. Opposing the Sun in Aquarius, making this a powerful “set piece”… keep reading, I’ll translate…
Gobbly, Goobbly Whaaaat?
If you set your intentions 2 weeks ago, with the New Moon in Capricorn, then you’re probably celebrating the fruits of your labor this full moon—success and breakthroughs with your inner work or career projects. Feast now! You deserve it! You’re getting your time in the spotlight! YAY you! My Kindred Spirits, you know who you are!
However, if you missed the mark, and you didn’t set your intentions, don’t worry—there’s still hope!
What’s a “Wolf Moon”?
The moon that closes out the holidays.
The first full moon of the year.
Wolves are pack animals. They’re family-oriented and survive through kinship and collaboration. Though we often associate wolves with “Alpha-dogs,” wolf hierarchies seat females at the top. RAWR!
In other words, wolf packs are female-run and the Wolf Moon heightens your feminine side and your protective, intuitive abilities. You’ll be more concerned with what’s best for your tribe, your family, your crew, your entourage.
What’s “Moon in Leo” mean?
Leo rules this Wolf Moon, so you’ll feel passionate about family affairs and sorting matters of the heart—love, revelry, courage, creativity, making your mark through demonstrative expression and getting shine for it.
What’s Jupiter in Taurus gotta do with YOU?
The moon squares Jupiter (expansion) and Taurus (excess), I’m seeing that some of you who are struggling this full moon, may try to relieve your emptiness, by filling the hole with more and more and…
Here’s the glimmer of Light for those who need a lift:
If you feel a sense of lack this full moon — lack of attention, lack of wealth, lack of love, lack of excitement… let that emptiness stay empty. Listen. Listen to the whisper within you.
Emptiness is a portal of initiation into a deeper sense of identity, a more embodied sense of Self. In Eastern traditions, less is more, and emptiness is the goal.
Emptiness is liberation. Liberation is emptiness.
If you’re wrestling with feelings of emptiness, then from an Eastern perspective, you’re right where you need to be! Don’t worry! You’re doing good work!
As you’re examining your feelings of lack, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.
Move into emptiness to find out what you’re missing (for this is the essence of what you truly desire).
Don’t linger there too long—just listen, notice, and let it be.
Experiencing tension in relationships?
Tip: Avoid forcing your way this full moon. Let others be. This is unconditional love and this practice will bring love to you immediately (but perhaps not from the person you’d imagine but…I promise you’ll get it). I’m sending it to you now.
If there’s an area of your life you want to change, then there’s a belief you need to let go of.
You can create the environment for the coming of that thing/person/job/event. You can generate enough Light to spark that change, so that it will show up for you at the next full moon—the next dawning of Light.
Keep looking for the Light, Kindred Spirit. It may not be what you expect, but you’ll get what you asked for in some form. Stay open.
Summary: Celebrate what you have and be grateful for what you don’t have, for it’s meant to be withheld now. Listen. Perhaps you made the choice to abstain and let that emptiness be your gift! Be grateful for everything and for the no-thing you created for yourself in this moment. There is a purpose for every intention you set. Trust yourself.
I’ll send more insights near the New Moon, so we can ride the next spiral upward together. For now, remove all distractions and create space for change.
With Love,
P.S. Want more personal insights especially for you? Let’s have Teatime together! Click the button below. I’d love to connect with you!