5 Ways to Cleanse a Room of Dark Entities and…Do They Exist?
Dark entities haunting you? Here are 5 ways to cleanse your space so you can live free and unfettered!
For centuries, people from all cultures have reported seeing, feeling, and sensing dark entities or “ghosts.” Shamans, Light Workers, and medicine men and women have performed rituals in order to purify one’s body and space.
In essence, any darkness or “dark entities” that we experience on Earth are the cause and product of our own negative thinking. Do ghosts exist? Sure, why not? If you can think it, then you can create it. The mind is an infinitely creative generator of images. All that you experience is essentially, a figment of your imagination.
Your mind and your body are powerful beyond your current knowing. You attract all energy through your thoughts. So change your thoughts and change your experience.
The miracle of cleansing is yours in 5 easy steps!
Burn sage and walk the perimeter of the room chanting, “Blessed be this space. I thank my guides for protecting me and allowing only positivity to enter this space. All else that dwells here be gone.” Keep a window open to allow the smoke to take the negative energies outward, away from your sacred space.
If you’re concerned about the sustainability of sage, you can harvest your own garden plants, dry them, and bundle them for burning. I love lavender for this purpose because it also has spiritual cleansing properties.
2. Salt
Salt is an ancient purifier. Dissolve some salt in warm water and pour into a mister. Spray the room with the intention to ground the negative energies into the floor. Then mop or vacuum as usual. Your intention is everything, so do it with a clear sense of purpose.
If you’re not feeling well, you might also want to talk a hot salt bath with dead sea salts and lavender, to cleanse our body of toxins. This should help you to relax and feel at ease, which ultimately changes your experience of your space.
3. Sun
If possible, expose your space to bright sunlight. Sunlight is the nector of the Universe, bringing the power of healing and warmth to any space. The sun has radioactive properties that can dissolve and transmute any lingering energies that might still be bothering you.
4. Speak
Speaking positive thoughts into the space can help elevate the vibration of a room. Thoughts are energy, so raising your energy with optimistic thoughts can change the “mind space” of the room. Japanese researchers studied the power of thought and its impact on water molecules. They learned that thoughts of love directed at a glass of water rendered smooth and perfectly symmetrical water molecules. The glass that was imbued with hate rendered mishapen molecules. So remember: You are what you think!
If you have a Tibetan singing bowl, stand in the middle of the space and strike the bowl. Imagine the sound vibrations soaring through the space to eliminate and equalize the negativity. This is one of my favorite ways to clear and energize a space before and after any Spirit work including a pranic energy healing, mediumship reading, or any deep psychic Soul work.
If you’ve had no luck clearing your space on your own, then you need access to a Clarity Call so we can create an easy plan for you to move forward with positivity and feel peaceful and calm. Explore here.
What ways have you cleared a space? Comment below and I’ll respond!
Hi. I’m Angeline.
I’m a psychic medium like Tyler Henry, James Van Praagh, and the Long Island Medium. As a medium, I bridge the gap between those who have passed and those left behind. You can reach me at Angeline@AngelineYoung.com or click here.