Healing Grief with Flower Essences
Edward Bach was a physician based in England. He created a well-regarded remedy for healing people through the use of “flower essences.” The underlying theory is that flowers contain a spiritual power that is connected to the Universal Energy Source. This spiritual energy in the flower can balance specific conditions in the auric field of the patient, to bring their vibration back into balance. Sounds kooky, right? I thought so too until I tried them and they actually worked for me.
Flower essences can help with moving on from loss of a loved one. I use them daily myself and of course, have used them to help with my own grieving process. The one that I suggest for grief healing is Star of Bethlelem. I also keep this one on my bedside: Rescue Remedy. It’s the only combination mix that Bach created and it’s safe for children and animals. (For kids, I recommend rubbing it on the bottom of their feet or adding 1 drop to bathwater). I find Rescue Remedy helpful for acute instances of stress. You might find it helpful for a variety of situations (doctor’s visits, receiving bad news, after an argument, or sudden feelings of anxiety or panic).
Here are 3 tips to ensure that flower essences will work for you, too.
The power of flower essence therapy lies in the synergistic connection between the Soul of the flower and YOU. This means that you must be open to the ability of nature to help you heal yourself. Will flower essence take your pain away? No. But they can tune your vibration so that moving through challenges is easier. I’d say that in my experience, there is an immediate, heightened awareness of my energetic connection to the Source (when I take the specific flower essence that I feel drawn to). If you need help choosing an essence, feel free to reach out to me and I can recommend a single essence or combination.
Daily Use
Your transformation and growth relies on daily use. There are ways to may taking flower essences easier and hassle-free. Sustained dosing throughout the day is more important than how much you take. Here is a tip I've adapted from Bach’s official website (this is the same dosing approach I use).
Get an empty 30ml glass dropper bottle. I like these.
Fill it 90% with spring water or filtered water from a Berkey.
Add a little apple cider vinegar or glycerin (alcohol if you like). This acts as a preservative. I like this glycerin.
Add 2-3 drops of your flower essence.
This should last you about 1-2 weeks. Whenever you feel moved, add a few drops to your mouth or to your drinking glass. I recommend doing it 3-10 times a day. Making your own mix like this will save you lots of money by making your essence water last.
I recommend keeping a journal to help you track your process. Flower essences can give you results immediately and with regular use, you will see changes in your attitude and in your dreams. The changes and improvements will be so subtle, that I keeping a dream journal will be helpful for you, as you orient yourself to supporting your subconscious mind and the healing that it provides as you sleep. Your dreams will tell you everything you need to know. Also, I find journaling helpful because I often feel physical sensations right after taking a flower essence.
For example, in working with Holly — the flower essence that promotes goodwill toward others, I felt a flash of heat travel down both my legs. I thought it was strange…I wrote it down. I hadn’t experienced this with any other of the essences that I was working with. (Be sure to take one at a time so you can fully feel what the flower is “saying” to you…). A few days later, I had a burning, aching sensation in both my legs. I couldn’t walk without pain for a few days. Wondering what was “wrong” with me, I remembered that I was working with Holly. I began to mindfully massage my legs with a mix of castor oil and lemon + lavender essential oil. (I’m including links for the ones that I use). Thinking thoughts of gratitude and healing, I fell asleep. The next day, my leg pain was GONE. The next few days, I felt like I had “new leg"s” to stand on…this tells me that our goodwill toward others is related to how we exert our will and accept where we stand.
Flower essences can sometimes bring on a “healing” crisis. This is nothing to be afraid of. It is simply your energy body responding to the flower essence and rebalancing. Think of it as clearing out stagnant qi energy, or kundalini energy that is blocking your system. Move them and you’ll have full access to your Life force. Of course, some people feel nothing at all from flower essence. This is because it is not the right essence for them at this time, or they are not open to it. However, I believe that flower essences have healing properties and I often use a blend of them for specific situations. I hope this was helpful for you and reach out with your success story because I’d love to hear it!
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