Cleanse & Closure

Sorting your loved one’s estate and belongings?

Help is here—move on with their guidance!

What’s possible for you:

  • Get your loved one’s guidance as you sort their things so you know what to keep, donate, sell guilt-free!

  • Receive a Mediumship Reading to hear from your loved one so you can make a plan with them on what to save, sell, or donate


  • VIP Tearoom Access for unlimited Clarity Texting comes with every package— ask questions, get support, and receive insights to enhance your healing and growth!

Why Cleanse & Closure?

  • Move on with your loved one’s guidance, guilt-free!

  • Experience more vitality as you create more space in your life for their Light!

  • Feel more connected with your loved one in Spirit.

  • All of this is possible for you…


  • Your loved one will sort their things with you. We'll make a plan and you'll get support to complete your project with their support!

    Sessions occur via phone or text over 4-6 weeks.

    We’ll set goals, have regular check-ins, and keep things manageable for you. Change is easy when you’re working with the right person!

  • Absolutely. Sometimes 12 weeks isn't enough.

    We can start with this package or build a custom package for you. No project is too big or small.

    If you need something different, please reach out HERE and we'll find a SOULution!