VIP Connected Guidance

Spiritual intuitive reading for a relationship, job, or life transition.

Returning clients only. To become a client you can:

  1. Book a mediumship reading

  2. Book a pranic healing.

  3. Book an email psychic reading.

  4. Purchase a Teatime Package.

Why Connected Guidance?

  • Get clarity so you can transcend challenges and move forward with advice from your Spirit Guides.

  • Ask questions so you can make decisions with more confidence.

  • Feel more calm, alive, and connected with your Soul’s essence, partner, and your community.

  • Discover your sacred power to manifest your Soul’s longing.


  • Yes and no.

    A psychic reading is when Angeline reads your aura. This is included but you'll get so much more!

    Connected Guidance taps into your Spirit Guides, your loved ones, and any other impressions that Angeline sees in your energy.

    All kinds of healing and helpful information is possible if you're open.

    All you have to do is show up and let Angeline "tune" into you and your Soul's deepest longing!

  • This isn't a mediumship reading but your loved ones might come through if Angeline feels it's necessary.

    Here's the difference:

    In an Intuitive/Psychic reading I read your aura and talk your life (job, love, relationships, life transitions, etc).

    In a Mediumship reading I read your departed loved one's aura and deliver messages from them to you.

  • You'll get guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angeline will read your aura, sharing what she intuits with her claires (spiritual seeing, feeling, sensing, knowing).

    If you've had a mediumship reading already with Angeline, you can request guidance from your loved ones in Spirit if necessary.

    The intention is for you to walk away feeling seen, heard, and held by your Guides and the Universal consciousness of unconditional love.