Loyalty Program

Installment plans available. Custom service plans available upon request.


  • Mediumship readings connect you to a deceased loved one for clarity, comfort, and guidance.

    Mediumship readings occur via phone, Zoom, in-person, in-home. Mediumship readings run 50 minutes to 3 hours, depending on service.

    Every mediumship reading comes with a Keepsake Recording. Readings can sometimes exceed the time limit if Angeline feels you need it.

  • A phone reading that connects you to spiritual intuitive guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angeline's psychic guidance.

    A pranic energy healing is included so you can feel lighter, calmer, and centered in your power.

  • Pranic healings promote emotional and physical healing. You’’ll receive chakras cleansing and energizing, so that your body can heal itself. This ancient eastern practice is commonly understood as “acupuncture without the needles.”

    The first session is via phone; while psychic information comes through, our priority is your emotional and physical healing.

    Follow-up sessions are 50% off and occur remotely—no phone call is required because Angeline has created the fluid blueprint for your healing.

  • Angeline creates a plan for your transformation so you can see results and feel empowered to live your life with bliss and confidence!

    Explore VIP here.