How to build a stronger connection with your loved-ones-in-Spirit

Anyone can build a connection with their loved ones in Spirit!

This practice begins with an offering to #Spirit. An offering can be anything you want it to be. The intention you set is what is most important.

For example, if your Son-in-Spirit loved to eat pizza while her was here, you might say a small prayer to him as you take a bite. Enjoy your dinner as usual with your family and speak of Spirit and all the beautiful memories you shared. Spirit is aware of all that you do to remember them. Stay attuned, as you feel Spirit enter the room when you do this!

If your Grandmother-in-Spirit loved flamenco music, then set a ritual time, maybe once a month or once a week, to play her favorite Spanish music. Dance in your living room to honor her. Stay attuned as you feel Spirit enter the room as you flow with the tunes. Feel your heart beating as one with Spirit.

These practices are not silly!

They are rituals that remind us of the bonds of love we share with those here in the physical world and with those in the afterlife. For example, in Chinese culture, we burn "paper money" at the altar of loved-ones-in-Spirit. This is a way to remember the abundance of love we continue to share with them. Nearly every culture has some kind of "altar." Altars are not lavish or religious. They are designated spaces in the home for remembering loved-ones-in-Spirit.

In Western countries, on Christmas Eve, people all over the world leave plates of cookies out for Santa Claus as a sign of gratitude. These cookies are left near the chimney, an altar that represents the hearth of the home. The Spirit of Santa Claus is one of Lightness, generosity, and warmth.

So if Santa gets a plate of cookies, then why not leave an offering for our loved-ones-in-Spirit?

Love is abundant and Spirit is always with you. Create a special moment to bask in the glow of Spirit. Spirit wishes for you to live a life that is de-Light-full!

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