How to Practice “Spiritual Hygiene” and Why It’s Important…

“Spiritual Hygiene” is about keeping your aura vibrant, clear, and moving. Your aura is the energy force field that surrounds your physical body. Imbalance in your auric field shows up much later as physical illness if you don’t keep your aura clear.

There are lots of ways to stay spiritually healthy. I’ll share some tips in a bit. First…let’s talk about why it’s necessary to practice “spiritual hygiene.”

There’s so much content out there—emails, text messages, radio, and television ads. Even conversations with your dearest friends sometimes have a “vibration” that maybe you just don’t have the bandwidth for. It’s not that you don’t want to hear from people you love, or chat with your neighbor, or connect with the check out person at the grocery store but…

you don’t have the energetic bandwidth!

Maybe you’re grieving a loss of a loved one and you’re doing your very best to move forward in life. Talking is just too much for you. T.V. and scrolling your phone helps to numb the pain for you. But deep inside, somehow, you know there are feelings and…you can’t seem to find time or space to feel. This is common and you’re not alone.

So why not stop the noise? Turn off the disruptions. I know it’s scary to even consider for a moment, turning off your phone, your computer, your ipad, the radio, or the television. I know some of you rely on those devices to help you cope with overwhelm. Keep the numb going! It’s working! You don’t want to feel! I totally get it. You shouldn’t have to be in your grief all of the time. You don’t need to feel bad all of the time.

Maybe it’s not a device—maybe it’s a relationship or a substance, or food that brings you away from those feelings you want to stuff down. But guess what? You’ll have so much more bandwidth if you clear up your auric field. You’ll have so much more space to feel joy if you feel those feelings a little bit, so that you can lighten your aura.

Your auric field is the energy that surrounds you. Your aura contains all of your wishes, hopes, beliefs, dreams, desires, and intentions. Your aura also contains your fears, behavior patterns, thought forms, and broadcasts that keep attracting unwanted people and events into your life!

How does it work? You pick up impressions and hold them in your auric field. Some impressions are pleasurable for you, others are disruptive to your day, your feelings. For some you, you may be conscious and aware enough to know that certain impressions bring no value to your spiritual journey. (I.e. You’re watching television and suddenly realize the impact of the show you’re watching is lowering your energy, rather than raising it).

All disruptions are an opportunity to come back to your center.

Take a moment to pause and ask yourself if what you’re experiencing right now, is good for you. If it is, then stay with it. If it isn’t, then ask your Higher Self, “What is this feeling here to teach me? What is this feeling here to show me?”

Let’s be clear here—disruptions are not “bad.” Uncomfortable feelings are not “bad” or “unhealthy.” But holding onto them can cause problems for you. Feelings are just…feelings. They are simply information. They are offerings from the Universe, inviting you to take a moment and reorient yourself to your Highest Path. What the heck does that even mean?

It means that when you encounter someone, something, or a message that feels like it caught your attention, stopped you in your tracks, caught you off guard, rubbed you the wrong way… or if you encountered a person, an experience that made your Spirit soar, touched your Soul, or energized you in a productive way, then you know the Universe has sent you an invitation.

You have the intelligence to know what’s good for you. But to be in touch with your divine inner knowing, you have to feel your feelings. All of them. All your feelings. Not just the ones you want to feel. Feeling your feelings will help you register the ones that are helpful to you, and the ones you need to build more space around. Building space around your pain means that you take the time to recognize the presence of that uncomfortable feeling, so that you can scoop it up with unconditional love, hold it up to the Light, and release it. This is your healing practice. This is your journey through unconditional love, so that you can move forward in your life!

What other practices help to clear your auric field?

10 Ways to Practice “Spiritual Hygiene” in 5 minutes or Less

  1. Meditate. Let the feelings show up. Observe them. Let them have a moment. Then hold them up to the Light.

  2. Pray. Ask for something good to happen to someone else. See them as an extension of your Soul.

  3. Scan your body for feelings of discomfort. Send white Light to those parts for 1 second. Move on with your day.

  4. Drink hot water and go out for a walk. Clear your mind by naming the colors you see on your walk. Come back home, drink more hot water. Ask your Guides to tell you what to do next. Wait for their instruction. Then do it. (This is an old Chinese practice. I’m Chinese-Taiwanese-American).

  5. Say No to things that don’t align with your values.

  6. Say Yes to things that raise your vibration and harmonize with your Soul’s deepest longing. Say Yes only to things that make the world a better place.

  7. Bathe — in a tub, under a waterfall, under the shower, in the pouring rain, walk barefoot in the ocean. Can’t leave your house? Imagine showering in a stream of white Light, falling all over your body.

  8. Bite your tongue. Silence is golden. Sit in silent knowing that the other person is working through something, that their actions are not aligned with their Highest Self. Don’t judge. Just be in silent knowing. If they can’t move out of it and you sense they’re staying there for good, then it’s time to leave.

  9. Try some “Tummy Time.” This is an exercise for when you can’t feel your feelings but you know something is wrong. Lie on the floor. Turn on some music if you like. Start in your gut and moan, grunt, and hold a note. The vibration will move the stagnant “qi” in your body. (Qi is a Chinese term for “life energy”). Move with your sounds. Roll, twist, stretch with the sounds. Release your feelings. You don’t need all of them all of the time. (I’m a trained dancer, so this might sound ridiculous to you, but it works for a lot of the people I work with).

  10. Ask your Guides to take it away. They might not take it all away, but they’ll help you to feel better. They’ll show you something else.

    Need help with Spiritual Hygiene? Just ask. I can connect you to Spirit and your Soul’s deepest longing. Make a request for Teatime Service, so we can work together over time, within your comfort zone.

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