How to Spiritually Recover From a Difficult Childhood: Advice from the Spirit Realm

I recently read for a beautiful woman, who's mother-in-Spirit came through to share this message:

"Some of us are lucky enough to have parents who cared for us, just the way we needed and wanted. Some of us experienced tragedy and carelessness early on in childhood. Being exposed to less-than-desirable conditions as children can make us feel undesired by our parents and caretakers.

Is this Life perfect? Absolutely not.

Ideally, children grow up gradually experiencing the challenges of this life, little by little, so that they can slowly build the awareness to see the Light in every situation. For the children who had to fight, too early, to create more Light, Spirit is always watching over them with compassion, for the greatest miracles emerge from darkness...

Consider that these children grow up with the courage and awareness to provide the loving care and attention which they were deprived of...this too, is a gift to the world.

Consider that even parents who show and give love, manage to feel that it is still not enough for their children. This too, is a miracle. 

We are all Souls, walking this Earth, making the best of the lessons we have been given. Some of us learn the lesson, so as not to meet it again. Some of us greet the lesson again and again, and perhaps even take the lesson with us into the AfterLife to continue learning.

Remember—all good deeds are rewarded. All your efforts to create more Light, Love, and Power in the world and for your fellow travelers, are deeds registered and honored by Spirit, here now, and in the Here After."

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