The Dawn of a New Cycle

🕊️ An extended message from my Spirit Guides:

“The dawn of a new mind is here. You’re experiencing a revolutionary change in consciousness. This message vibrates at the resonance of your Soul and your deepest longing to connect with Home.

2024 places upon you, a golden crown of understanding, setting alight, a glimmer of inner knowing — you’re more capable this year of initiating self-love and action toward what you want today.

Your new mental clarity relies on your attention to the energy of possibility. The future presents itself to you and you need only accept its potential with a calm inner sense of gratitude and adventure. Let the power of the Ethereal Realm move gently into your space and lift you up, to see your life with new eyes.

Is your life perfect? Thankfully, not!

If you knew everything already, you wouldn’t be here, in this “boarding school” of Life.

Stay open.

When you’re open, you send signals to the Universe to bring you more.

“More” is a care package from the Other Side.

Boarding school isn’t always easy, so be open to surprises!

Then what’s the point of Life?

You’re here to serve. You have a special ability to share. What is your ability? Well, you’re here to uncover it, for no one can serve in the way that you can. One Day, we all return Home. Home is the place we all long for. Home is the place we’re all away from. So why not make Life a little simpler for yourself and your fellow travelers while you’re here in boarding school?

What is “Simple”?

Simple is food, shelter, clothing, quiet, and friends.

Yes, and if you have too much of any of those, it’s overwhelming. Isolating. Suffocating. So we’re here, as a collective, to practice balance in all of those “things.”

This practice is called Love. We’re here to learn how to give and to receive Love. For some of you, Love is MORE of everything. For some of you, you’re learning that LESS of everything is so much more Love.

“Simple” isn’t easy. Everyone is longing for Simple. Some of you are trying too hard to attain it because…Simple isn’t easy. It’s hard. But it’s totally doable!

What does this mean for the new year?

This means you’re ready for the dawn of a new mind. Your mental clarity nourishes all aspects of your life. Mental clarity allows you to see from a bird’s eye view, empowering you to lead with love, to cultivate your inner Source of Magic to connect with the Ethereal Realm — the Dream Realm, the Other Side, the Upstairs Room, the Sacred Garden, Heaven. Your Higher Self.

Does this mean that you’ll meditate for hours, donate all your possessions, or live under the stars for the rest of your Life?

Absolutely not! You’re not Buddha! You’re not Mother Teresa!

But whatever you do, do it with intentional awareness that you’re bringing more love to this World, our collective experience. There are people in boarding school that are homesick. Just like you. There are people that are also celebrating Life away from Home, knowing they’ll return there One Day…perhaps…you’re one of those people that understands this school is actually, Heaven on Earth, made brighter by your acts of kindness and compassionate knowing.”

You’ve been experiencing a broadcast from the Upstairs Room, the room where you are sitting right now. The room filled with Divine Love. Spirit is watching over you, seeing your potential to ignite people with your Light. Let this message kindle the eternal flame in your Soul to welcome healing. The parallel Universe of Heaven is right here. Now. Within you. All around. Everywhere. Stay present.

🪷With Love,


P.S. Illuminate the potential of a new inner paradise. An impulse to a higher consciousness is calling your Soul to move. Answer the call! Come into the Tearoom. There’s always room for you. Blessings are certain. Surprises are coming your way. Learn more here.


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