What You Should Expect to Pay for a Mediumship Reading and Why…
3 Ways to Understand Mediumship Costs
If you’ve shopped around, you know that a mediumship reading can cost anywhere from $0-$3k. The range is attributed to 3 main factors:
Mediumship in the United States is an unregulated field of alternative healing.
Mediums vary in experience, expertise, and abilities.
You get what you pay for.
Unregulated Field
While ancestral worship is centuries old and continues to be practiced through Asia, Africa, the Americas, and so forth, the ancient art of mediumship has only made it’s public appearance via television shows starring Tyler Henry, Teresa Caputo, and John Edward.
Given that it’s a marginalized field of healing, there are no rules. This means that a medium could charge whatever they like, regardless of competition simply because consumers don’t know what to look for. This means that you could underpay someone who is very talented. This also means you could pay top dollar for someone who has absolutely no ability to deliver a mediumship healing.
But don’t worry, there’s hope for you if you’re looking for a reputable medium. Read my other blog post “How to Find a Psychic Medium You Can Trust: 8 Top Secret Tips!”
2. Varying Experience and Talent
If you think all mediums are created equal, think again!
While everyone has some capacity to do mediumship, not everyone has the discipline or interest to develop their skills to a standard of public service for deep healing. This means that some mediums will spend decades developing their abilities before hanging their shop sign. And there are other mediums who lack discipline, do it for “fun,” and wing it every time. Which would you rather?
Some mediums are only interested in the entertainment value of mediumship. They cater to people looking for a fun time or lightness. You’ll find them on TikTok and FB livestreams. Mediumship can absolutely be fun and light! But ultimately, mediumship is about healing.
Other mediums place high value on the spiritual experience of communion with departed loved ones. Their service will focus on healing, blending with Spirit, and respect for those here and in the HereAfter. There is a wide range of quality, so take your time in deciding who might be right for you.
You might be fine with a parlor trick, but legitimate mediumship takes preparation time and wrap up time. For example, I need time before your reading to center myself and to prepare my space. Afterward, I to write notes and optimize your Keepsake Recording so you can have a tangible resource for your ongoing healing. For me, it’s a practice—I’m not working with “clients” —I’m working with Kindred Spirits here and in the HereAfter!
In the end, mediumship is a skill that takes time to develop. What does that mean for you? Choose wisely. Read their testimonials. Ask around. There is no “one-size-fits-all.” When you find your medium, stay with them. It’s worth the investment of time to develop your relationship because you have no idea what is possible for your spiritual development as you continue to work with them!
3. You get what you pay for.
Set aside the issue of money for a second. Let’s think about this:
You’re looking for evidence of the Afterlife. Maybe you’re want to make amends with a departed loved one. Maybe you need to connect with someone who passed suddenly and tragically.
What’s it worth to you to receive proof that your loved one survived death?
What’s it worth to you to receive healing from someone in Heaven?
What’s it worth to you to connect with your lost love?
Think this through. You’re hiring a medium to perform a rare skill, at a very high level of quality, so you can have proof, healing, reassurance, and a sacred reunion with your loved one!
Do you want to risk it and go with a medium that you don’t feel 100% certain about? I wouldn’t. Mediumship makes some people nervous, so why not go with someone you feel you can settle into a deep sense of comfort with?
What kind of experience do you want to have? Do you want a TikTok reading? Do you want a public group reading? Do you want a private in-person reading? Zoom? Anonymous phone reading? All of these are possible.
Think about the environment you want to be in when you receive your loved one. Mediums usually charge for travel to your home (by mileage or a flat fee for a designated radius). Others will serve your exclusive over the phone or via Zoom. You have the power to create your ideal mediumship experience but you need to find the right medium for you in order to have what you want.
Let’s give all mediums the benefit of the doubt and assume that higher costs convey a promise to deliver higher quality or special features like a recording or an option for a follow-up call. I always include Keepsake Recordings for the longterm healing benefit because it’s a shareable resource you can reach for it when you really need it. Lower costs potentially conveys less education, experience, service, and less confidence on the part of the medium. Which would you rather?
Summary: Take your time. Book responsibly. Enjoy the gift of Spirit.
Make it stand out
Hi. I’m Angeline.
I’m a psychic medium like Tyler Henry, James Van Praagh, and the Long Island Medium. As a medium, I bridge the gap between those who have passed and those left behind. You can reach me at Angeline@AngelineYoung.com or click here.